Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Microsoft's losing war Against the iPad

Microsoft is seeking to rally the remaining troops in an attempt to create for himself the importance of remembering in the manufacture of felt, and the introduction of a range of products and marketing to help them to remind any customers who are interested to hear that computers can be a list of contenders to be in the area of ​​painting too. Even as the looming closer every 2.0 Bad day.
In a series of PowerPoint slides accessible via ZDnet, and the company is to encourage partners to develop lists of tablets running Windows 7 against the felt.
All well and good, but as shown, Apple, and 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies laptop is already deployed, and when not carrying a group of research and the markets this morning made a "tips Tip, Tricks and applications for accountants - all you need to know in 60 minutes to get the most out of your Bad, "then Microsoft playing catch-up - again.

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