Saturday, 18 June 2011

The Blossoming of Princess Beatrice

After years of jibes about the weight, and the disruption of wheel and parents the highest degree embarrassing, and Princess Beatrice has not just survived, it thrived in a positive, says Mimi Spencer
Ultimately, and contrary to all expectations, the hat that won us over. At first glance, the royal wedding hat crazy not much more than just a promise of another chance to get a pop music Princess Pia. It was so completely ridiculous - one of those seems likely crumbs of me you expect from Ferguson in the event. And then played her trump card Pia. Sold instead of being threatened by the festival and a bullet-proof, on the Internet, and a silly hat on eBay, making 81,000 £ for charity (not silly so far). But it was pride that I did so with a grace period like that, and self-derogation, it suddenly seemed like more than just the extra cost to the royal family already over-accessorised. Appeared to be attractive. Even more interesting
Once you stop to consider it, the boom Pia (22 years) going on for some time. In peripheral vision, has begun to emerge and confident, SLIMLINE, stylish - is imminent, and even - to participate in philosophy, is less than that in the past, and tempt her face, figure and frame. In the past, there have been times when the poor girl looked as if you were in it was wrapped in black and honey thrown headfirst to a decline lucky - aging frills, shoulder pads and strange dresses and a bag of potatoes. But are those days. Word and employee services designer Charlie Anderson, and her dress in blue Polo Club Cowdray Park was recently the winner out and out, and figure-hugging pink Roland Mouret at the Chelsea Flower Show in the exciting process both fun and self-control. These days, and prepare them for strawberry blond hair and polished, big eyes look more supple, more confident and less like someone just stepped on her finger.
Funnily enough, the situation is very natural for a woman to appeal. Until recently, you probably imagine Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie to sleep on bed mattresses seven high, and small silver bells ringing in the service of the employee and eat jam tarts from the gold plates. But no. There are reasons to love Pia, mostly having to do with the fact that for all the nights and days Mahiki bodyguard, she looks a bit like you and me, a bit like our daughters, warm and genuine, sometimes blown off course. Weight and the Wardrobe is a struggle for her, just as it is for the rest of us, not for the wonderful and delicious beautiful princess, she stick to a strict diet to lose two stone, and works with a personal trainer to stay in the box.
We also have the gumption. We saw it when Pia and her mates ran the London Marathon with her in fancy dress. We see that when the Persistent Organic Pollutants for dinner or shopping with her mother at the end of embarrassing. Through reckless and her parents are innumerable, Pia has soldiered on, the real passion and heart Stoic. It dealt with issues of her own as well: dyslexia, flat feet, and the public all too eager to poke not praise. Through it all, she copes. Take the time a few years ago when it was built up in the press for wearing a bikini pulp. Her response was honest and effective to some extent: "Why, why, did not wear that one?" Lamented. "I can do with losing a few pounds, so maybe it's kick I need."
So what is the next step of Biya's New? After university, and without the protection of property, and said it plans to work for a living, it is in a fixed relationship with Clark, Dave, "a fixture hard" (Fergie calls on what seemed to him "Mr. Smiley '), and possibly building a good ideas charity hat mad started. as Royal says, "She knows the world could be a sort of laughing in her face - which can not be easy - but this is hopefully a way to divert attention to something positive." I say important, Pia. or at least , work has begun.

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