Tuesday, 29 March 2011

victoria secret coupons

Victoria's Secret lingerie and bikini swimsuit sale with 150 for less than $ 49. In addition, free shipping when you hit $ 50 and use coupon code Victorias Secret SHIP50. Or save $ 30 of $ 150 with coupon code 30OFF150. Both codes good through Thursday, March 24, 2011, at 11:59 pm EDT. Spend $ 10 or more by March 31, 2011, and you'll get secret rewards card worth at least $ 10 off purchase between 1 April and 30 April, 2011.The sale is cotton underwear Victoria's Secret and Victoria's Secret Pink, select choice 25 of the patterns of the total - styles. The above link takes you to a page with all seven pairs for $ 25.50.
The advantage of this sale, you'll also get a bonus secret card has a value of $ 10 or more to buy, in a shop on the Internet or the phone was made by April 1 to 30, 2011. Basically, this card is a teaser to get you to buy something else.

Caveats: Victoria's Secret coupon excludes MLB Pink Pink and collective group. While supplies last. Must be eligible for seven pairs in the shopping cart for your code to work. Not valid on clearance merchandise or previous purchases and with any other panty.

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